Registered Massage Therapist / Registered Clinical Aromatherapist
clinic locations
Starting in February 2025 you will be able to find me practicing Registered Massage Therapy, as part of the Apple Tree Maternity Orchard.
Apple Tree Maternity is a group of Midwives and Physicians providing pregnancy, birth and new born care. The Apple Tree Orchard offers additional perinatal support including but not limited to Prenatal/Postpartum Registered Massage Therapy, Pelvic Physiotherapy, Reproductive Health Services, Lactation Support and Counselling.
My services here will be primarily focused on but not limited to, prenatal, postpartum, and pediatric therapeutic massage, cesarian birth recovery treatments and clinical aromatherapy for the childbearing continuum.
It is a great honour to be included as a branch in the Orchard, and to offer my services in support of maternal health.
Click here to book an appointment at the Apple Tree Orchard.
Heritage Health Centre
I am truly very excited to announce that I am offering Registered Massage Therapy at the Heritage Health Centre on Victoria Street in Nelson, BC.
Heritage Health Centre is a beautiful complimentary health clinic housing a group of very skilled and experienced practitioners who offer Acupuncture, Counselling, Craniosacral Therapy, Doula Services, NAET Allergy Therapy, Registered Massage Therapy and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
My treatments layer a balance of deep tissue, myofascial release, and detailed therapeutic massage that assist her clients in obtaining an ease in movement, and a grounded and centred connection to self in support of thriving life.
Offering Direct Billing to most major insurance providers.
Therapeutic Aromatic Botanicals
Holistic Aromatherapy founded in evidence based botanical research & aromatic chemistry, rooted in earth’s timeless traditional medicines.
WILD LAVENDER, Organic Hydrosol
Adriane Elliott / AromaticsOrientation
sarvam deha garam dravyam viyad vyaptam mrgeksanevibhavayet tatsa tasya bhaavanaa saa sthiraa bhavet
This body is made of earth and gold,
Sky and stars, rivers and oceans,
Masquerading as muscle and bone.
Every substance is here:
Diamonds and silver, magical elixirs,
Ambrosia that gives visions,
Herbs that nourish and heal.
The foundation of the planet,
Imortal magnetic iron,
Circulating in the blood.
Every element in you loves the others:
Earth loves rain, sky loves sun,
Sun loves the space it shines through,
Space loves everyone equally.
In meditation, luxuriate in knowing this deep
and simple truth.
Every cell is an organ of sense
Infused with majesty.
- Verse 47 of the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra