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Smoke Exposure
Summer holidays in Western Canada, it is hard to ignore the blanket of wildfires smoke that has settled over us. Many are feeling respiratory distress from smoke exposure. A simple accessible remedy like essential oil therapy can make a real difference in cases of respiratory fatigue, bronchial spasms, sore throat, chest congestion, and shallow breath. Reach for your tree oils, like White Pine, Eucalyptus, and Cedar. Upon inhalation you can feel your bronchioles relax, tightness ease and congestion loosen. After all, trees are the lungs of the earth and in turn, are such a powerful remedy for us. Praying for them!

I prefer direct deep inhalation of an essential oil over diffusion, especially if therapeutically targeting the lungs. Straight from the bottle, chin height take 4-8 rounds of breath, full deep inhalations followed by a relaxed exhalation. Add a couple of drops to hot water for a steam inhalation for any dry conditions.

Pro tip : Parents, avoid eucalyptus with children and babies unless under specific guidance; I use a far safer alternative for kids Lemon essential oil for respiratory ailments and air purification. Diffuse at low dilution in a neutral living space.

As with any medicinal botanical application best to consult with your health care professional before use.